Since Old Man Winter has finally paid a visit in my neck of the woods, I thought it only fitting to fill you in on "Cabin Fever". No, it isn't a true illness like Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever or Bird Flu however; I'm sure most of you already know that. What you might not know is that it originated back in 1918 according to an Etymology Dictionary. It was a term used by settlers meaning to go stir crazy... stir was slang for "prison". And why wouldn't the early settlers be going stir crazy. Most people were shut in their little cabins during the long harsh winters. The cabins only had 1-2 windows that were boarded shut. Now, also take into consideration, that food was not wasted back then like it is today. The woman of the house would have a pot over the fireplace with salt pork, potatoes and corn from the harvest, maybe a little venison added in for good measure. Throughout the winter all sorts of what we would call table scraps would continually be added to the pot...a little left over milk, some grains etc... eventually some of the items in the pot would start to ferment adding a bit of a pungent smell. Now, also take into consideration that the family members were eating what ever came out of that pot- (and for the record, they did not have Beano back then) which meant they were further clouding the air. Aren't you glad we have exhaust fans today?! And now you have a bit of useless history you can share with someone who probably could care less.
Last night after I wrote my first blog, I thought about what I wanted to accomplish here...the main thing that ran through my mind, was to log things that I know will to soon be keep a special journal for myself, while hopefully putting a smile on someone else's face. You see, when sleep is lacking, brain fog sets in (or as I like to call it Teflon Brain Syndrome- where nothing sticks) and memories tend to disappear quickly. By blogging, I will be able to keep them alive much longer. I will also give a little insight on my journey to better health. Like many, I was in decent shape when I was younger...then one day looked in the mirror and realized I had extra large curves...some in places where they shouldn't be. So, I am hoping that by posting my triumphs and struggles openly for all to see, that it will up the accountability ante and help me stay on track. Who knows, maybe I will even inspire a few of you! I'll probably include some of my tree huger advice, frugal living tips, and because I am a Foodie at heart, you will find a recipe posted from time to time. Oh and yes, there will be CHAOS- lots and lots of chaos with dashes of wit and wisdom mixed in. After all, I am a "Northern Night Owl" with four owlets...just in case you give a hoot!
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