I'm an only child... Growing up I always wished I had siblings. My reasoning...devious, just plain devious; when you are an only child and you sneak your dad's donut that is supposed to go in his lunch the next day, you have no one to blame it on (yes this is a true story). There is no one to share the chores with...mowing lawns, pulling weeds, dusting, etc... From my point of view, it really stunk... my parents were probably really relieved though, because they did not have to deal with sibling rivalry. You know the constant bickering over things that do not matter. "She looked at me", "He touched me"... UGH! As you know from reading my blog I have four children. I love them dearly, but I "DO NOT" like the fighting that has been going on the last couple of days. There has been battles over hair rubber bands and marbles...marbles....really? If this continues, I'm going to lose my marbles!!!
While writing my last blog I realized I was tripping over conversations about the kids. Using "my oldest", "second oldest", "daughter number x" was a bit challenging. So, to make things easier for all, I have given them each nicknames~ Beanie, Bugs, Bunny, & Bubba (oldest to youngest). Since I'm a wee bit frustrated, I thought right now would be a good time to blog some funny "Kids' say the darnedest things" stories.
When Beanie was 2, I went back to work part time. I worked at a university which offered on campus day care. Her first week there, she had a difficult time with the mandatory nap time...not that she had to take a nap, rather that she had to take one without a story and song first. Once the lights went off in the quiet room and her teacher closed the door, Beanie sat up and began to tell the other children a story. Her teacher quietly entered the room and asked what it was she was doing. Beanie explained she was telling the kids a bedtime story because that is what was supposed to happen before a nap. Mrs. H told her that they don't tell stories in day care, and that she had to lay down and be quiet. As soon as the lights went off and the door closed again Beanie sat back up, only this time she burst into song. What was she singing..."Joshua Fought the Battle of Geritol"... Must not have been a very difficult fight as the enemy had to have been really old...
Bugs favorite movie when she was little was a tape of the very last Disneyland Electric Light Parade. One night while watching the film she was excitedly telling Bunny and Bubba which Disney film each float represented. When the little mine cars came on the television she said "Do you know what film this is from? It is from Snow White and the Seven Divorces"! I burst into laughter upon hearing that. Now in all fairness to her, I should let you know that she has an issue with her hearing, and she does not hear certain consonant blends clearly... "Dw" is one of them. She could not understand the word "dwarfs" so she plugged in a word she thought would fit.
The other day Bunny was working on her school work (we homeschool). Her dad didn't have to be at work until after noon, so he was disrupting our schedule. He said something to her and in an annoyed voice she said "Dad, I know". My husband then said to her "Oh, you think you are so smart? Who was the 16th President?" to which she gave the correct answer, then he asked her a math question which she also answered correctly. He then said "Okay Bunny, when was the War of 1812 fought?" She thought for a moment and then responded "Dad, that's not fair! I haven't learned about the War of 1812 yet!".
Now it's time to share a recent experience that took place with Bubba. Last week Bugs and I were in the kitchen. Bugs yelled to her brother in the other room "Hey Bubba, do you want pinto or black beans?" There was no response, so she yelled again and got nothing but silence. Finally she said "Bubba, why aren't you answering me?" He yelled back "I can't speak to you because I'm being a lime". Bugs and I look at each other- quite puzzled. Then we hear "You know, a lime...one of those people in a pretend box that do not speak".
How can one stay upset when recalling funny little memories like these?!?
Now, as for my diet and exercise lets just say I do not have my act together as of yet. Yesterday I stopped by the store to get cheese while hungry and tired...bad combination. I walked out with cheese and LOTS of junk food too. Once the junk food is out of the house and my system, I will post my progress.
Well, time to bring this to an end. Tomorrow is a heavy cleaning day... going to start spring cleaning early, but don't tell my owlets...
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