Life has been far beyond crazy in my neck of the woods. With four kids, it seems like we have had non stop doctors appointments for one reason or another the past two months. Add to that a nasty bug that knocked me flat on my backside for 3-1/2 weeks--WOW!
I must say that this Momma was not; I repeat NOT a happy camper once I started feeling almost human. I ventured into the kitchen or should I say the area of the home where my kitchen once stood...there was not a speck of counter top to be seen. My cupboards were bare and the dirty dishes were towering precariously in both sides of the sink. I then looked around the living and dining rooms and decided I would just go back to bed, pull the covers over my head once again and then bark orders at those who created the disasters. A couple days later my house was somewhat back in order and things began to fall back into place.
I knew that while I was down for the count, meals were not the norm. There were a few fast food meals, pizza one night and lots of simple things such as nachos, subs etc... One thing I never gave much thought about was eggs. I opened the fridge only to find 6-7 cartons of wonderful, fresh eggs...72-84 oval gems! Our chickens and duck were busy laying 6-8 eggs a day but no one was eating them. After seeing all those cartons of eggs I decided to check out several websites to see about selling our eggs. I was shocked to find out that duck eggs are considered a specialty egg and they sell for $10.00-$20.00 per dozen! And to think my husband wanted to get rid of the I'm trying to figure out how we can get a couple more females! With that said, any of my readers who are in the area that are interested in "FRESH", organic, free-range brown chicken or duck (and no, I won't charge $10.00) eggs, feel free to stop by or contact me.